iMRs2000 vs. Magnopro
The top 3 advantages of the iMRS over the Magnopro
iMRS the reigning champ…
- It uses frequencies that are way too high (up to 1000 Hz) , intensities that are a little on the high side.
- No biorhythm clock,
- Limited accessories, no ability to upgrade and no NASA square wave.
The Magnopro lost this round…
The Clear WinnerSawtooth Wave
Proven Square Wave
Switch Polarity
Light & Sound Option
Digital/Easy Upgrade
Database Protocols
Earth Frequencies
Biorhythm Clock
Pain Settings
Sensitivity Settings
Graduating Intensity
Pure Pulsating Fields
FDA Registered
New Technology
Good Value
3 Year Warranty
Mat Comfortable
Superior Support
- Sawtooth Wave
Proven Square Wave
? – Switch Polarity
Light & Sound Option
Digital/Easy Upgrade
Database Protocols
Earth Frequencies
Biorhythm Clock
Pain Settings
Sensitivity Settings
Graduating Intensity
Pure Pulsating Fields
FDA Registered
New Technology
Good Value
3 Year Warranty
Mat Comfortable
Superior Support