iMRS2000 vs. Ondamed
The top 3 advantages of the iMRS over the Ondamed
iMRS the reigning champ…
1. It’s $15,000-$25,000 versus around $3575-$6000 for the iMRS.
2. Secondly it requires significant training and support along with an extended application period.
The iMRS is easy to use, and does not require the practitioner to be present for application.
3. The biofeedback on the Ondamed is very subjective and requires practice and skill.
The Ondamed lost this round…
The Clear WinnerSawtooth Wave
Proven Square Wave
Switch Polarity
Light & Sound Option
Digital/Easy Upgrade
Database Protocols
Earth Frequencies
Biorhythm Clock
Pain Settings
Sensitivity Settings
Graduating Intensity
Pure Pulsating Fields
FDA Registered
New Technology
Good Value
3 Year Warranty
Mat Comfortable
Superior Support
- Sawtooth Wave
Proven Square Wave
Switch Polarity
Light & Sound Option
Digital/Easy Upgrade
Database Protocols
Earth Frequencies
Biorhythm Clock
Pain Settings
Sensitivity Settings
Graduating Intensity
Pure Pulsating Fields
FDA Registered
New Technology
Good Value
3 Year Warranty
N/A – Mat Comfortable
Superior Support